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Security and Privacy: Never install these apps on Windows

I've used Windows computers since Windows version 2 (Windows 2.03) in 1988 (Windows 2.03 was released in late 1987, but I didn't get it until early 1988). I don't use it much anymore, mostly because of the security and privacy concerns, but many family members do, and most people do. If you use Windows (and most of you do), you should avoid anything that reduces the security or privacy of your device even more.

Recently, JayzTwoCents had a video on YouTube talking about software to never install on Windows. He made some great points, and I agree with his recommendations about software to avoid. Note that the ending is a little odd, but the point is valid.


If you use Windows computers, stay as safe and secure as you can. Avoid the scams. My Streaming Life includes a focus on security and privacy. You should keep security and privacy in mind in all of your online activity.
