Sunday, July 14, 2024

Am I an expert?

Ever hit a website and think, "Who is this person telling me what to do?" That's a fair question!

"My Streaming Life" is all about my adventures in cord-cutting and streaming, starting back in 2010 (officially ditched cable on January 11, 2011 – big day!). While I can't guarantee a one-size-fits-all approach, I've learned a lot along the way.

Consider me your streaming sherpa, here to guide you with real-world experience and answer your questions. After all, in the streaming world, we're all experts in our own way, right?

"My Streaming Life" reflects my journey and what I've discovered. It's not about blindly following – it's about learning, comparing options, and ultimately, finding what works for you. My mission? To empower you with the knowledge you need to make confident streaming decisions.

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