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Spending less on cord cutting

It seems odd to me, but I'm constantly trying to find ways to spend less on cord cutting. Why is this odd? Well, I cut the cord originally to save money, and for some reason, I end up spending more than I should anyway.

Part of the reason is I try to stay on top of things, and become familiar with processes, so I do subscribe to services on occasion. I don't generally do live streaming cable replacement services such as Sling TV, YouTube TV, and the like. Standard Hulu is more my speed, not Hulu+Live TV. For $7/month I can watch what I want, and the $77/month for Hulu+Live TV is overkill.

However, I do subscribe to some services. Most of the time, it's not for me, but for family members. We end up not watching the services anyway, so it is often a waste of money. That's not to blame the family member, because I'm the one actually making the decision. I'll subscribe to give a chance to see if the service is worthwhile. Most of the time, it isn't.

However, I do some services for me. Frndly TV is one of those. It's $9/month (they do have a $7 plan, by the way) and worth it. I don't watch it a lot, but I do watch it enough to keep the service.

Amazon Prime Video is included with Amazon Prime, and I really hate paying so much for that. I'd keep the Prime service if there was a tier that did not include Prime Video.

I don't do Netflix, as I dropped it a while back.

Paramount Plus is included with Walmart Plus.

Peacock TV is a bonus from my Xfinity Internet service (I'm at a tier where I can get Peacock TV still).

And that's enough. I want to cut more, mostly because the prices keep going up -- looking at you Amazon. My Streaming Life costs more than I like, but it's still a lot cheaper than cable.
