One of the things I've run into with my project to use Chromecast as my primary streaming device (instead of Roku) is that the Chromecast doesn't have as much space for apps, along with the way Roku handles on-board app storage.
Roku doesn't have a lot of storage, but its method of managing it is much better than the way Chromecast does it.
When an app is downloaded, and there is not enough on-board storage space, Roku will automatically remove one or more apps to make room for the new one. It keeps all the settings, but the actual app is removed and the space is available. When the app is launched later, the process happens again, with one or more other apps removed to make room for the one being downloaded.
It actually works well, and more platforms should adopt that way of operating. Okay, Fire TV is now adopting that process. I wish Chromecast would.
But, it doesn't. And that brings me to my primary topic. I've added many apps to my Chromecast, but not all the apps that are on my Roku. Four of them aren't available on Chromecast, but several others are. However, I haven't added them to Chromecast. I have a little of 3 GB of space taken up by apps, and less than 1 GB available for more apps. I have about half the number of apps that are on the Roku. So, while I could put a few more on, I can't put many, and certainly not everything that's on Roku.
That means that I need to cull some. So, I loaded some favorites, and did not load others. The ones I didn't load (apart from the four that don't have apps that will run on Chromecast) are apps I rarely use anyway. Maybe I don't need them on my Roku. Maybe the 25 apps on the Chromecast are all I need.
Honestly, I probably don't really need that many. I don't usually watch all those apps in any given month. I suspect that half of them are all I really need to have. So, why don't I remove the apps I never use? Well, I probably should. If I want to watch TV, the few apps I use are enough to get me something to watch.
My Streaming Life really only utilizes a handful of apps. Maybe if I didn't have a job, or a semblance of a life, I might need more than the handful I use. But, I don't watch TV all day. Sometimes, I'd like to, but I don't. Would be nice though.
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