Over a month ago, I decided I would use Chromecast more . At the time, I said that I wasn't as familiar with the Google TV interface as I was with Apple TV, Fire TV, and of course, Roku. I had used the other platforms a lot more, because of my personal preferences, and family members' preferences: This has come at the expense of my familiarity with Android/Google TV and Apple TV. I'm not comfortable with that. Beginning this weekend, I'm going to start using more Android/Google TV. Chromecast will be the the primary device I use. I have Chromecast attached to all my TVs already, so it'll be a matter of setting out the Chromecast remote in place of the Roku remote. For the last five, nearly six weeks, I have been using Chromecast. I wanted to re-familiarize myself with it, and I've pretty much done that. So, why am I still using it? Well, there was the whole issue of a new one I had purchased not working properly. It started when I bought a new Chromecast...
Veteran cord-cutter sharing streaming tips and insights