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Game box streaming is way down

My son is the one that got me into streaming. In late 2008 or early 2009, he introduced me to streaming.

I was aware of such a thing, but he allowed me to see it first hand. He was the first person who actually streamed that I knew.

I visited his house one weekend, and he as it was football season at the time, he wanted to look at something on TV. I was a bit surprised when he picked up his Xbox controller and started watching TV.

That was when I realized that he was streaming TV and wasn't watching cable. I didn't ask a bunch of questions, though I asked a couple, and realized that there were many ways to stream, as many game systems supported it, in addition to Roku and Apple TV.

Following that visit, after gaining the confidence and better understanding of streaming TV, I started my research into moving to streaming and dropping cable.

I thought about this when I saw an article recently about how much the number of game systems being used has dropped over the last several years. According to an article on Cord Cutters News, game box streaming is way down from 2025:

Based on a survey conducted by Aluma Insights, only 6% of American households use an Xbox or PlayStation console to stream video (OTT Services), down from 26% in 2015.

Only 9% of surveyed households still use a traditional pay TV set-top to watch streaming services and, surprisingly, 6% of reported use their smartphone or tablet to stream video.

I rarely used a game system to stream, but seeing the drop in game system usage for streaming brought back memories of when I was introduced to my son's Streaming Life.
