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CBS locals are back on Fubo

A different kind of dispute ended recently.

There was a dispute between Fubo and CBS affiliates earlier this year that resulted in the local CBS stations being replaced with a national CBS feed. That's over, and the local channels are back.

Cord Cutters News said that many CBS affiliates allow the network to negotiate for them, and that resulted in the dispute that involved only local removal, but allowed national feeds to continue.

In recent years, local stations have given up their rights to negotiate with streaming services like fuboTV directly. Now they let Paramount do it for them, and they get to devices if they agree to the deal or not.

It seems that locals were at first unhappy with the deal Paramount had agreed to, but locals also gave Paramount the right to stream a national feed if they didn’t agree to the new contract.

For cord cutters, a national feed during a dispute does make it easier, as the network shows and events are still available, just not the local news, weather, sports, and commercials. It's much easier on your Streaming Life if you don't lose everything during disputes.
