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Good reception, bad location? No problem!

If you've looked into getting an antenna, but find that you don't get good reception on your main TV, but can get great reception on another TV in an inconvenient location, what do you do?

For example, suppose the reception in a guest bedroom is great, but in the living room, you only get a few channels. What then?

Well, you can do like I did and get a network connected Tablo.

The antenna is located on the side of the house, near a bathroom and guest bedroom. It's not located near the living room. But that's not a problem. In the guest bedroom, I have a network connected Tablo device. The antenna is connected there, and with the Tablo connected to the network, I can watch TV on any TV in the house. I use the Tablo app on my Roku. If you use Roku, Fire TV, Apple TV, or Google/Android TV, you can use the Tablo app as well, and watch antenna TV on any of your TVs.

If this sounds like a commercial for Tablo, it's not. Well, it's not a paid ad. It's how I actually do this.

I was inspired to tell about this because of a Q&A post at the Tablo Website that talks about this very thing. The question is a little odd, because the questioner doesn't understand how things work. And what they're trying to ask makes sense, just how they asked it was awkward. But Tablo answered it, and what they said is essentially what I'm doing.

If you want to add a TV antenna to your Streaming Life, a Tablo is a great way to do just that.
