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Older Disney movies

I regularly visit sever Websites that focus on streaming. I list many of these in the sidebar. One is The Streaming Advisor, and I saw a post there that got me really excited.

The post was entitled "How To Find Wonderful World Of Disney Movies On Disney+" and if you know me, you know that caught my eye.

I'm of the age where I used to watch Walt Disney's Wonder World of Color, which also went by other names over the years. The it was called the Wonderful World of Color when I started watching it, so that's how I always think of it.

I had previously gone to Disney+ during a time when I had an active Disney+ subscription (see "Streaming more content with fewer services" for more about my rotating subscriptions). I saw different categories for Disney owned movies, but I didn't find a grouping for the older movies that aired on Wonderful World of Color.

What I had to do was browse through the movies or search for a specific movie. I was disappointed. Then, a few days ago, I saw the post by Ryan Downey at The Streaming Advisor about how to find those movies. I was excited.

Turns out my excitement was all for naught. He hadn't discovered some trick to finding the movies, or posting about a new feature that Disney+ had implemented. Rather, he was lamenting the same thing that I'm saying. And he had to do the very things I was having to do.

He was addressing what you have to do to find the movies, not sharing some secret. There is no secret. There is no easy way to find those movies. He was explaining what you had to do:

For those looking for films from The Wonderful World of Disney series, you will have to either do a basic search for the title you are seeking or scan through the section simply labeled as Movies. From there the selections will be among the rest of the catalog via the A-Z sorting choice. Why Disney has not broken the movie into their own category considering it has a Disney Channel Movies section and more is a question above my pay grade.

And he is right. That's exactly what you have to do. He doesn't like it. I don't like it. And Disney seems to not care.

Oh, well. If I want those classic Disney films in my Streaming Life, I have to find them the hard way. But you know what? It's worth it. I just wish I didn't have to do it that way.
