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Ads work

This week, I had a conversation with a 20-something at work. She was talking about movies with her manager, and mentioned that they subscribe to seven streaming services.

I mentioned my method of subscribing to only one or, if the cost is low, two streaming services each month, rotating them around. She seem a little interested, and I mentioned the pricing, and how I do it. She corrected my numbers on the cost of Hulu, and that's when I realized that she was paying for the no-ads plan. She said she can't watch ads.

I hear that a lot from younger people. They will pay more money to simply not watch ads. Personally, I would rather save the money. Heck, there might be an ad for something I want, or it might let me know about some sale, and I can get what I would buy anyway, but for a lower price. Saving money twice.

There are plenty of people like her, but a new survey indicates there are more that watch ads. And, most importantly to the advertiser, the ads are making the difference they want them to make.

Roku released a news story this week about a poll they commissioned from Harris, and it shows exactly that.

This year’s survey of nearly 2,000 U.S. adults who plan to purchase gifts finds that holiday shoppers plan to shop earlier, increase spend, and turn to TV streaming for entertainment and information.

"The holidays reveal the shopping trends that will shape the year ahead," said Asaf Davidov, Head of Ad Measurement and Research at Roku. "Brands that message value, ramp up advertising early, and surprise and delight in streaming TV are set to take the share this season."

Ads can work, for both the advertiser and for the consumer. And doubly for consumers that use lower priced, ad supported services. And sometimes, lower priced means free.

I like saving money in my Streaming Life. And ads help make that happen. And, according to the poll, do exactly what they are supposed to do, meaning that there will continue to be ad-supported discounted, or free, services for some time to come.
