A lot of people, including some family members, absolutely love Amazon's Fire TV platform. Me, not so much.
Now, to be fair, it's a good platform. But, I prefer Roku. But, Fire TV is a really good platform. And, by good platform, I'm referring to the interface.
The reality is that the Big Four platforms -- Roku, Fire TV, Android/Google TV, Apple TV -- are all good stable platforms with a lot of features and apps/services. Only in very rare circumstances would the platform make a difference apart from the interface. So, in general, get the interface you like.
As I said, I'm on Team Roku, but I'm not going to trash the others. They're good. And there's one other thing that makes the differences between them almost meaningless -- except for the interface. Almost any streaming tips will apply to any platform.
For example, recently, Roku Blog published "The best cord cutting tips according to Roku customers." Most of the tips can apply to Fire TV. And to Android/Google TV. And to Apple TV. Of course, they played up the Roku aspect, but Fire TV (and other) platform users can learn from Roku users. And Roku users can learn from other platform users. Any streamer can learn from other streamers. Here's an example:
Saving money
- "Never look back at those horrible cable bills. I’ve saved so much money. Wish I did it sooner!"
- "Take your cable listing. Figure out how many channels you actually watch. Divide that by how much you pay for cable and work out the price per channel. Realize how much more you are paying for channels you never actually watch."
- "Rotating services will save you money. Subscribing to every service every month just isn’t necessary."
- "Paying for cable is like buying $200 worth of groceries, but $150 of the items you don’t eat.
- "Our bill went from over $200 to just $99. Absolutely worth it!"
None of that is Roku specific. Any streamer, regardless of platform can learn from that. Particularly the third one.
There are more tips that go beyond saving money, and focus instead on finding content you like. Overall, the tips are good for any streamer who is looking to improve his Streaming Life.
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