I've said before that I'm not generally a fan of the paid live TV streaming services, or Virtual Multichannel Video Programming Distributor (vMVPD). I prefer the Free Ad Supported Television (FAST) services, but I do have my go-to services for the times when a live TV streaming service (vMVPD).
One is Sling TV, which was the first of the vMVPD services. And, because of its relatively low price, at least compared to other major services, is my go-to in most cases when a vMVPD is called for. Like watching something on ESPN.
Sling TV also has a free tier that can be used standalone FAST service. It can also be used in conjunction with Air TV, so you don't need a paid tier for that. But, you do need a paid tier if you want to take advantage of the latest promotion that Sling TV is offering.
This weekend, and every weekend during the summer, Sling TV is offering free premium channels to paid subscribers. This weekend, it's Showtime. And each weekend, another premium service will be offered for free:
During Freeview Weekends, customers have access to standalone streaming services’ live schedule and on-demand content library. Most Freeview offerings will start Friday and run through Monday. Premium streaming services currently slated in the preview lineup include EPIX, Hallmark Movies Now, Curiosity Stream, Sundance Now, AMC+ and more.
One good thing about this is that if you like the premium service, but don't want to keep Sling TV ongoing, you can do just that.
Following a Freeview Weekend, SLING makes it easy for anyone to continue watching their favorite entertainment by subscribing to the streaming service as a standalone subscription. With nearly 50 standalone streaming services, including SHOWTIME®, EPIX and Starz, available without a base SLING subscription, SLING provides the best à la carte streaming experience on the market.
While I prefer the separate apps for premium subscriptions, I understand the benefit of including it with a package such as Sling TV. And, by the way, if it wasn't clear, you can use the paid premium service with Sling TV Free tier.
This may be a great way for you to check out these premium services and decide if you want to include them in your Streaming Life. As I said, it's not for me, but it just may be something that works for you.
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