With Amazon Fire TV, you can create profiles for different users. Each user can have his own menu of apps. I originally wrote "library of apps" but that's not accurate. The library or pool of apps is the same. However, you don't have to show all your apps. You pick which ones you see and which ones you don't.
The apps are the same across the profiles, as you might expect -- or not expect -- meaning that the apps are logged in on the same account. If you have profiles within the apps -- such as Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, and others have -- you pick those within the particular apps.
It's a handy feature, and one that I wish Roku would add. This definitely goes in the "plus" column for Fire TV, if you are comparing devices. If you can't make your mind up between getting a Roku or a Fire TV device, the inclusion of profiles may just tip the scales in favor of Fire TV. It would be a great addition to your Streaming Life.
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