Oh, and since then, I did subscribe to a live streaming service for the purpose of watching football. That's expired, but I'll start another when this weekend's games kick off.
All the rest? I never watched them, so I dropped them. No use spending money for something I won't watch.
But then, I saw where Discovery+ is running a special. A year of service is $36. That works out to $3/month. For the content they offer, that is one heckuva deal. And I'm tempted. Really tempted.
My willpower is strong. I can resist anything. Well, anything except temptation. And I'm really thinking about that Discovery+ pricing. I may start watching that service just to say I got such a deal.
Seriously, I am thinking about it.
You should too. It's a great price, and Discovery+ content is pretty good content. I'm thinking seriously about returning it to my Streaming Life. You should too.
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